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GuardRails Runtime detects security vulnerabilities in your web applications and APIs by leveraging Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST).

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST):

DAST, or Dynamic Application Security Testing, is a security testing method that involves analyzing a running application to identify potential security vulnerabilities. DAST is typically performed in a staging environment and simulates attacks against an application to uncover vulnerabilities that are exploitable when the application is in operation.

Key Benefits:

  1. Runtime Vulnerability Detection: DAST identifies vulnerabilities that are present when the application is running, providing a realistic view of the application's security posture.
  2. Simulation of Real-World Attacks: By simulating attacks, DAST can help your team understand how an attacker might exploit vulnerabilities in your application.
  3. Technology Agnostic: GuardRails Runtime does not rely on the application's underlying technology stack, other than the fact that it needs to speak HTTP, making it a versatile tool that can be used on virtually any web application or API.
  4. Compliance: Many regulatory standards require DAST as part of a comprehensive application security program, helping your organization meet compliance requirements.

How to Implement DAST:

  1. No More Defining Test Cases: Simply create a Job file that specifies what you want tested. We take care of the how.
  2. Perform Regular Scans: Schedule regular GuardRails Runtime scans to ensure that any changes to your web applications and APIs are analyzed for potential runtime vulnerabilities.
  3. Analyze and Address Findings: Review the results of the Runtime scans, triage the findings, and assign the necessary remediation tasks to the appropriate team members.

By integrating GuardRails Runtime into your testing process, you can uncover and address common security vulnerabilities in your applications and APIs, improve their resilience against attacks, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.