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Insecure Network Communication

Securing TLS configuration

About Insecure TLS Configuration

What is insecure TLS configuration?

Insecure TLS (Transport Layer Security) configuration refers to the use of weak or vulnerable cryptographic algorithms or protocols in the configuration of TLS on a system or application.

TLS is used to secure communication channels between clients and servers. Insecure TLS configuration can lead to a range of security vulnerabilities.

Check out these videos for a high-level explanation:

  • Weak Algorithms

  • Weak Cipher Suites

What is the impact of insecure TLS configuration?

Insecure TLS (Transport Layer Security) configuration can have significant impacts on the security and privacy of communication channels between clients and servers.

Here are some of the potential impacts:

  • Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks: Weak or outdated cryptographic algorithms can be exploited by attackers to intercept and modify data in transit between a client and server. This can enable attackers to steal sensitive data or manipulate communication channels to launch other attacks.
  • Information disclosure: Insecure TLS configuration can allow attackers to gain access to sensitive data, such as login credentials or personal information, transmitted between the client and server. This can lead to data breaches or compromise of sensitive information.

How to prevent insecure TLS configuration?

To prevent insecure TLS (Transport Layer Security) configuration, several measures can be taken, including:

  • Use strong cryptographic algorithms and protocols: Use strong cryptographic algorithms and protocols, such as TLS 1.2 or higher, and disable outdated or weak algorithms, such as SSLv2 and SSLv3. This can help prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in the encryption and authentication processes.
  • Use appropriate key sizes: Use appropriate key sizes to ensure that the cryptographic keys used in the TLS communication are strong enough to resist attacks. Key sizes of 2048 bits or higher are recommended.
  • Regularly update software and systems: Regularly update software and systems to ensure that the latest security patches are applied and known vulnerabilities are addressed.



Explanation & Prevention


Using Strong Ciphers for ELB

ELB Predefined or Custom Security Policies must not use weak ciphers, to reduce the risk of the SSL connection between the client and the load balancer being exploited.

Rule-specific references:

Option A: Use a strong TLS cipher

The SslPolicy of listeners must not coincide with any of a predefined list of weak ciphers.

  1. Review elb_application_lb.listeners, each listener should have it's SslPolicy parameter value set to one of the known secure TLS ciphers. The default value (if not visibly present) of SslPolicy uses a known good TLS cipher
  2. If an out-of-date (less than optimal) cipher is being used replace it
  3. Test it
  4. Ship it 🚢 and relax 🌴

Enable Secure Ciphers

Check if secure ciphers aren't used in AWS CloudFront.

Rule-specific references:

Option A: Use a secure Minimum Protocol Version

The cloudfront_distribution.viewer_certificate.minimum_protocol_version should be at least "TLSv1.1" but preferably more recent.

  1. Review cloudfront_distribution.viewer_certificate.minimum_protocol_version. The minimum value should be "TLSv1.1" but preferably more recent
  2. If the minimum_protocol_version value is not visible, be sure to set it to the most recent version that will work for you. See the supported versions for the options available to you
  3. Test it
  4. Ship it 🚢 and relax 🌴

Storage Account Not Using Latest TLS Encryption Version

Ensure Azure Storage Account is using the latest version of TLS encryption.

Rule-specific references:

Option A: Make sure the Minimum Storage Account TLS Version is set correctly

The azure_rm_storageaccount.minimum_tls_version Should be defined and have a value of at least "TLS1_2". If the minimum_tls_version is not defined it's default is "TLS1_0" which is known to be insecure.

  1. Review the azure_rm_storageaccount.minimum_tls_version. If it's undefined or it's value is not set to at least "TLS1_2" modify it
  2. Test it
  3. Ship it 🚢 and relax 🌴

CloudFront Without Minimum Protocol TLS 1.2

AWS CloudFront Minimum Protocol version should be at least TLS 1.2.

Rule-specific references:

Option A: Make sure CloudFront Minimum Protocol Version is at least TLS 1.2

  1. Check that any cloudfront_distribution.viewer_certificate.minimum_protocol_version parameters are at least TLSv1.2_x (Ex: "TLSv1.2_2018", "TLSv1.2_2019", "TLSv1.2_2021")
  2. Test it
  3. Ship it 🚢 and relax 🌴

Fixing Cleartext Transmission

About Cleartext Transmission

What is Cleartext Transmission?

Cleartext transmission, also known as plaintext transmission, refers to the process of transmitting data over a network or communication channel without encryption or other security measures that protect the data from interception or unauthorized access.

In cleartext transmission, the data is transmitted in plain, human-readable format, which means that anyone who has access to the communication channel can read, intercept, or modify the data without any difficulty.

Cleartext transmission can occur in various communication protocols, such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and Telnet, and can affect various types of data, such as login credentials, credit card information, personal data, and other types of sensitive information.

Check out these videos for a high-level explanation:

  • Communication over cleartext protocol

  • Unprotected transport of sensitive information

  • Unprotected transport of credentials

What is the impact of Cleartext Transmission?

Cleartext transmission can lead to various security threats and risks, such as:

  • Information disclosure: Cleartext transmission can expose sensitive or confidential information to unauthorized parties, such as passwords, credit card numbers, personal data, or other types of sensitive information.
  • Man-in-the-middle attacks: Cleartext transmission can be intercepted by attackers who can eavesdrop on the communication channel, modify or steal the data, or impersonate the parties involved in the communication.
  • Identity theft: Cleartext transmission can lead to identity theft, where attackers can use stolen personal data to assume the identity of victims and perform various malicious activities, such as financial fraud or unauthorized access to systems.
  • Data tampering: Cleartext transmission can allow attackers to modify or inject false data into the communication channel, leading to data tampering, data corruption, or other types of malicious activities.

How to prevent Cleartext Transmission?

To prevent cleartext transmission, you can take the following steps:

  • Use encryption: Encrypt sensitive data before transmitting it over any communication channel. Use encryption protocols such as SSL/TLS or HTTPS to ensure that data is encrypted in transit.
  • Secure communication channels: Use secure communication channels such as SFTP, SSH, or VPNs to transmit sensitive data. These protocols provide encryption and authentication, which can help prevent unauthorized access and eavesdropping.
  • Disable cleartext protocols: Disable cleartext protocols such as HTTP or FTP, and use only encrypted protocols such as HTTPS or SFTP to transmit sensitive data.
  • Implement data validation: Implement data validation mechanisms to ensure that only valid data is transmitted. Validate user input and filter out any sensitive data before transmitting it.




ALB Listening on HTTP

AWS Application Load Balancer (alb) should not listen on HTTP.

Rule-specific references:

Option A: Make sure no Application Load Balancer Listeners are listening on HTTP

All traffic to and from Application Load Balancers should be TLS encrypted.

  1. Review your elb_application_lb.listeners[i].Protocol and change any instances of HTTP to HTTPS
  2. Test it
  3. Ship it 🚢 and relax 🌴